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Climbing Classes based on themes at the Parc Chuit

17 septembre @ 18:00 19:30

Climbing Classes based on themes at the Parc Chuit

Escalade au parc Chuit
6PM-7.30PM and 5.30PM-7.00 during summer
0-15 CHF
7 to 12 years old
Bouldering on a theme
climbing instructors, J+S
Depending on the dates

Enjoy the freshness of the Park to climb and experience MataBloc while your parent tries to walk on the slackline or has a great ginger lemon juice at the Relais.

To register for several sessions at once use this page


Chemin des Erables 17-19 Petit-Lancy 1213 Switzerland + Google Map

Details of themes by date:

Before the vacations on Tuesdays from 6pm to 7:30pm on the following dates:

28-05-24: MataBlok, 04-06-24: Vertical Memory, 18-06-24: Boulder Phrases, 25-06-24: Climb&Learn

Children: 7-12 years

During the summer vacations on Fridays from 5.30 pm to 7 pm on the following dates:

05-07-24: EnKête de BloK, 12-07-24: Sher(b)lock, 19-07-24: DinoBloc, 16-08-24: TangraMat

Free admission on the Friday following the camp for children who have participated.

Children aged 7 and over and parents.

After the vacations on Tuesdays from 6 to 7.30 p.m. on the following dates:

27-08-24: Petit Bac & Co, 03-09-24: Surprise, 17-09-24:…, 24-09-24:………., 01-10-24:……….

Children: 7-12 years

Jeûne Genevois 05-09-24: from 15 to 18 hours discovery for all

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