GE-visIci – Saturday sports and discovery outings for children and teenagers 2024-25 2nd semester

Take part in the GE-visIci program’s Sports Discovery and Initiation Saturdays in or from Geneva.

Join the third edition of this absolutely innovative and proven program and enjoy climbing and discovering sports activities, meeting other young people and their cultures for one semester and, if there’s still room, coming back for more adventures!

Outings generally take place on the 1st Saturday of the month, unless it’s a vacation, a long weekend or the activity requires warmer weather ;-). They run all day, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For certain “Snow” activities, schedules will be advanced.

On the program:

Discover activities focusing on mountain sports, winter sports, team sports or less well-known sports. For example, discover

  • outdoor climbing,
  • slackline,
  • Paddleboarding
  • Ninja martial arts discovery
  • Caving,
  • Ice climbing (INITIATION at an adapted site),
  • Snowshoe hiking,
  • Ski touring,
  • Nordic skating,
  • Ice skating,
  • and one or two team sports


GE-visIci - Activités-2023-24
GE-visIci - Rappels au dessus-2023-24 Samedi GE-visIci -découverte Freerando
woman in blue and white shorts riding on white and green surfboard during daytime